- By Sean McMann
Are you waiting for "someday" to live your dreams? Life can change in an instant, reminding us that making time for joy and passion must start now. Learn how to identify what truly matters, and take action on your bucket list.
Whether dealing with pain or seeking transformation, this guide inspires you to take action toward growth, healing, and a deeper connection to yourself and others. Discover healing journey steps and meditation for self-healing to unlock your true potential. Explore how life’s challenges, relationships, and self-awareness lead to personal and spiritual growth. Learn how meditation fosters inner peace and emotional healing, helping you embrace unconditional love and forgiveness.
Transform your life with this roadmap to wisdom. Explore eight essential elements like resilience, kindness, creativity, and curiosity for a fulfilling journey.
Achieve lasting change this New Year by starting small. Learn why one manageable resolution can set you up for success and simplify your path to personal growth.
- By Cait Johnson
Discover how to transform your home into a sacred space for magical aging. Clear clutter, embrace your authentic self, and create a nurturing environment that reflects your spiritual growth.
Discover how life often mirrors what we most need to learn. Explore how everyday encounters act as a mirror, reflecting our growth, challenges, and opportunities for self-discovery.
Explore how our Internal Rule Book shapes our responses to life's challenges from youth to old age. This article looks into how events and emotions recorded in our psyche influence our behavior and reactions throughout different life stages, highlighting the importance of adapting our internal narratives for personal growth and successful aging. Discover strategies for modifying the Internal Rule Book to enhance well-being and resilience as we age.
Imagining advice from your older self can help you reflect on critical life decisions and make better choices. Learn how this mental exercise can shape a more positive future, offering both wisdom and new perspectives on life’s possibilities.
- By Stu Crum
This article shares how love helped our family navigate the challenges of a cancer diagnosis, strengthen our family bonds, and create a legacy of helping others. Discover how love can be a guiding force in even the most difficult times and learn about the impact of being there for others during their cancer journey.
It’s never too late to tip the scales toward compassion and goodness. A lack of empathy has helped get us into this personal and global predicament. Reclaiming it will help get us out.
- By Cate Montana
Embracing simplicity is probably one of the hardest keys to embody because we've been trained to believe that the more complicated something is the more important and valuable it is.
- By Cate Montana
One of the most powerful things you can do is a personal clearing of your own energy field. The following is an energetic clearing that Robin Duda, the soul alchemist I've been working with from Santa Fe, has supplied
- By Paul Levy
One of the great spiritual teacher Sri Aurobindo’s main messages is that humanity is a transitional being. Our current state of being is not final, we are in the process of transitioning into a new state of being.
I never knew how extreme an impact reviewing one’s life can have, or writing a book about it. I’ve learned that in facing traumatic memories, it’s essential to have the support you need to proceed.
In our modern world we have our own ideas of foundational or basic needs, but they aren’t so different from what ancient texts like the Neijing described two thousand years ago.
The conflict or struggle within oneself of which “self” shall rule—the Inner or the Outer--is as old as time for wayfarers on the higher spiritual path, and the attributes of the opposing sides are recognizable to us all.
For thousands of years, humanity disposed of very limited amounts of information. Whatever understanding people had of the world came from the tribal elders, members of the extended family and other close sources of information. How things have changed!
By the way, the official title of the retreat was "Living from the Heart." Sometime during the retreat, the name became changed to "Living on the Edge."
What if you asked yourself, "Do I make myself a priority?" How would you answer? Most of us would hesitate before boldly declaring "Sometimes yes!"
- By Paul Levy
We are all potential healers and dreamers; our very nature is shamanic. We all have shamanic abilities that knowingly or unknowingly we use every day.
- By Kate King
If I know one thing for sure, it’s that patterns don’t break on their own. When something is stuck in a repetitive rhythm, the path of least resistance is to keep on keepin’ on. But, the path of least resistance does not lead to a radiant life.
I glanced out the bathroom window and saw to my horror that the trees seemed to be moving to the left. Then I realized that the trees were not moving ... the house was moving to the right. Built on the topside of a ridge, the house was clearly beginning to slide downhill.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) has added a bizarre twist to my quest to find fulfillment and to serve others. At times, it has helped me understand my purpose with greater clarity even while sometimes thwarting my plans.